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Worried about someone's drinking?


A Supportive Hug

Attending your first meeting can be intimidating and even scary. We have answers to the most common questions asked by newcomers. Get answers

Beach at Sunset

Wondering if Al-Anon is right for you? Take our self-assessment test. Learn More


Alateen is a program especially for teens who are affected by someone else's drinking. Learn More

Whatcom County Al-Anon Meetings

Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are open to Family, Friends, and Observers

9-10a | Touchstone Men’s AFG

Online: Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 819 5848 4064

Password: 417082

Dial by your location: (253) 205-0468


7p | Hope for Today AFG

In-Person: Ferndale First Baptist Church
5759 Vista Dr., Ferndale

This meeting is con-current with AA and Alateen at the same time and location; enter through left door.

7p | Ferndale Alateen

In-Person: Ferndale First Baptist Church
5759 Vista Dr., Ferndale

This meeting is concurrent with AA and Al-Anon at the same time and location; enter through left door. Contact Julie L for questions regarding Alateen.


5:30-6:45p | Happy Hour AFG


In-Person: St James Presbyterian Church

910 14th St., Bellingham

5:30-6:30p | Evening Awakenings

Online: Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 880 6540 7754

Passcode: 307128


7-8p | Our Common Welfare AFG 

In-Person: Center for Spiritual Living Bellingham

2224 Yew Street Rd., Bellingham

Across from Cascade Group Radio, down the lighted path to classroom door with an Al-Anon Meeting sign.


5:30-6:30p | Care Deeply AFG

In-Person: First Congregational Church

2401 Cornwall Ave., Bellingham

Enter from South parking lot to 'Office' door at ground level; meeting downstairs.


8-9a | Sunrise Super Glory Sudden Valley Book Study

Current Book: Paths to Recovery

Hybrid Meeting (in-person and online)

In-Person: South Whatcom Library Building

10 Barnview Court, Sudden Valley / Bellingham

Located in SW meeting room, around the corner to the left of the main library entrance, with an Al-Anon sign in the window and on the door.

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Online: Zoom Meeting Link (wait for meeting host to let in)

Meeting ID: 939 982 123

Dial by your location: (253) 215-8782

9-10a | Sunrise Super Glory Sudden Valley Meeting

Hybrid Meeting (in-person and online)

In-Person: South Whatcom Library Building

10 Barnview Court, Sudden Valley / Bellingham

Located in SW meeting room, around the corner to the left of the main library entrance, with an Al-Anon sign in the window and on the door.

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Online: Zoom Meeting Link (wait for meeting host to let in)

Meeting ID: 939 982 123

Dial by your location: (253) 215-8782


10:30a-12p | Sea of Serenity AFG

Hybrid Meeting (in-person and online)

In-Person: First Congregational Church

2401 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham

Enter from South parking lot to 'Office' door at ground level; if locked out during meeting, go to the Zoom meeting link and use the 'Chat' function to request in-person entry.

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Online: Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 815 6148 8478

Password: 921311

Dial by your location: (253) 205-0468


District 25 Business Meeting

6:30-8:30p | Held the second Thursday of every month - OPEN TO ALL

Online: Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 870 1936 4650

Passcode: 669870

Click Here for District Information and Documents

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